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So it Begins..... Banking on Dad Banking on Dad

So it Begins…..


The very act of being able to get to this point as a working parent and father of 4 kids, is somewhat shocking.  I’ve thought about starting this journey for a long time.  Too long to be honest.

But one thing I know for sure is that I love being a Dad.  I think it helps to have a certain level of confidence about being a parent because I don’t think you will genuinely ever enjoy being a part of something if you always tell yourself that you’re not good at it.

Here’s a news flash:  Virtually all parents feel like that at some point.  I know that my joy comes from a place that took time and wisdom to find.  But I assure you, you have this place in your soul as well.

Which in many ways is the foundational idea of this blog.  I acknowledge that I need help and I also acknowledge that I have help and advice to give.  Hopefully, it will be a 2-way street of learning for everyone.  My mistakes can become your cautionary tales to pass along for laughs and as I like to say “Teachable Moments.”

Being a Dad or any parent for that matter is a gift, but it is a gift that requires more than you expect.  But anything worth a damn won’t come easily.

I just want to get to the point, where one day in time if someone asked one of my kids “Who’s going to fix that for you?” or “Who are you going to talk to about this…?” or “How are you going to figure this out…?”

I just want their first thought to be……  “I’m Banking on Dad!”


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