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How to Use Google Home as a Sound Machine Banking on Dad Banking on Dad

How to Use Google Home as a Sound Machine

Google Home Sound Machine

Google Home Sound Machine It might seem like common sense or easy to do, but in my opinion, the basic sound machine features for Google Home are not very good.  So in order to really get the most band for the buck, you have to get creative.

When you ask Google to play “white noise” or “waterfall sounds”, it can do it but only for a short period of time then it just cuts off.

Usually in the middle of the night.  For my 2-year-old, I needed something that would play for hours and hours.  Plus I need something that was not on a loop.  It needs to be constant with no interruptions or breaks in the sounds.

2 options and I would recommend both.

First, try this trick.  Ask Google this phrase…

“Hey Google, ask Help me Sleep to play brown noise for the next 10 hours”

It works great, however, I don’t really understand why it will only go for 10 hours, but it’s better than the standard feature on Google Home.  We love it, and if you want to get even more seamless, integrate it into a routine like…”Hey Google, Bedtime”

The next one might seem odd, but it works great too.  There are several podcasts that have sound machine noises to pick from that run for 15 hours.  There aren’t any dead spots or loops, and it can run even longer.

Try either one and see which one works best for you.  Because for us this basic feature is just too short and not nearly as smooth as you would expect coming from Google.

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