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3 Tips to Dominate Virtual School Banking on Dad Banking on Dad

3 Tips to Dominate Virtual School

So many parents are anxious about the start of a new school year.  Anxious because this upcoming year could be different than any others in the past.

  • Will there be school in a physical classroom?
  • How long will it last?
  • I’m not IT, how do I handle digital remote schooling?

If the last bullet point sticks out to you, you’re not alone.  Many parents find it hard to wear so many hats, but now to also be the chief IT officer is a bridge too far.  Many of us have to navigate multiple platforms for each child and as always there are too many usernames and passwords to remember.  Well here are my three thoughts on ways you can improve your game as the Teacher of the House.

  1. Manage it like a school.

If you want your child to learn anything, then give them an environment that resembles some structure from a normal school day.  Budget your time and have a schedule that you follow on a daily and weekly basis.  Schedule downtime and lunches, and try your best to follow your schedule while allowing for some flexibility.  Be rigid, just not too rigid.

2.  Ask for Help

Seems like a simple thing to do, but know that during this time there are literally millions of parents who feel the same way you do.  Overwhelmed, confused, and trying their darndest to give their kids the best environment to learn.  Ask for tips or advice on any forums (Facebook, Reddit, etc.), engage your friends, and be honest about your capabilities.  Most accomplished individuals will tell you they achieved their success by asking a lot of questions, you can do the same thing.

3.  Cut Yourself Some Slack

It is very easy to pile on your anxiety by feeling like you are not doing enough for your kids, or you just don’t know enough about a certain subject.  It is ok!  This will pass, and life will return to some semblance of normalcy.  Children will be back in a classroom, and you can go on worrying about something else.  But between now and then, take a deep breath and tell your kids that you love them and that you believe in them.  Think about the little things, and realize that this time is valuable if you can get out of your own head you will see how special it can be.


Now go rock being your kid’s teacher and mentor and take a deep breath if you feel overwhelmed.

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