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3 ways to make the Holidays easier with Kids Banking on Dad Banking on Dad

3 ways to make the Holidays easier with Kids


There is nothing easy about the Holidays if you have kids, especially multiple kids.  Each one has his or her schedule and usually, during this time of the year, everyone is trying to cram it all in before year end.

Between parties and programs to gift and just keeping toilet paper stocked.  It’s very taxing.

That being said, here are some thoughts on a few ways you can make some changes in your day to day grind.

Make your Kids Help!

1.  Can’t emphasize this enough, get your kids helping out around the house more.  Sure they may have their chores, but everyone has a full plate this time of year and they too can handle a little more.  I’m not talking about working a kid to the bone by any means, but if you see somebody playing a game on their phone while you are fighting to take the garbage out or feed the dogs.  Say something!  Honestly, this is a good rule of thumb at any time of the year

Start Early

2.  Start as early as possible.  This too might seem simple but as a functioning procrastinator, it does make a huge difference.  The holidays are meant to be so much more than stress and commercialization, but you’ll never enjoy any of it if you procrastinate.  Manage your time in the day as if it were money.  You only have so much, so use it wisely.  Be efficient and plan as much as your mind can handle.

Get Rest and Sleep

3.  It’s always amazing to me how fast the lack of sleep can compound over the course of just a few days.  I’m still working through this with a newborn, so trust me I know.  The length and quality of your sleep are so important.  I have powered through many 1 am bedtimes, trying to get as much done as possible.  But if you make this a habit, everyday life will become like walking in mud.  Everything seems so much harder and your mind is as dull as a butter knife.  Rest, take care of yourself and see item 2 above.  Plan ahead and plan better, so this does not become impossible to do.


All of this might seem ridiculously simple to you, but sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple things in life that do indeed matter.  Even as I write this, it helps me remember to take my own advice from time to time.


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