Don’t let your Children put this on their Resume

few thoughts on some very noticeable items I have seen lately that could be easily avoided and only help a young job applicant
1. Please for the love of god, don’t put some ridiculous email address on your resume. It immediately makes you look like you don’t have sense enough to go create one that doesn’t mention cats or whatever was on your mind when you created it.
Come up with a simple professional email address.
It’s not difficult to do at all. It’s just too easy of a fix to not do it.
2. So you are good at Social Media, but what does that mean? If a kid is spending hours on Snapchat or Facebook or whatever, that does not make them an experienced digital marketing expert.
If you have an eye for creating an eye-catching post or formatting an engaging onboarding email then mention it.
This type of background is substantially more relevant and it is what companies want to see.
3. For me, if I think someone has a particularly strong resume, then my first reaction is
“They must have an interesting story?”
Be able to share some background in a coherent well thought out manner. I personally look at it as a conversational way into a person’s relaxed mind. But if you have a bumbling and rambling story then you are only making all the other candidates look more appealing.
Plenty of “Type A” parents out there spent years pushing their kids to be the best in a sport, or an instrument or whatever. But for some reason, it seems that many parents just ignore the notion that in today’s world, a well-spoken clean-cut kid is an anomaly.
Social Media is killing a child’s ability to have a legitimate one on one human conversation.
But it is more than just that. They need to be able to have some degree of confidence and not freeze up when an older person sticks out their hand for a handshake.
I’m sure in the decades to come this will seem very antiquated but here is a new flash, we are not there yet.
Help your children to feel comfortable in their own skin, and teach them to be able to talk about themselves in a way which highlights their attributes without coming off like an egotist.
It takes time and work, but if you want to send your child out into the world well prepared do it.